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National Statistics Accreditation

We will publish census outputs in line with the UK Statistics Authority's Code of Practice for Statistics.

The code sets out the principles and practices to produce statistics that are:

  • trustworthy
  • high quality
  • of public value

The Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) is the regulatory arm of the UK Statistics Authority. They will assess us to check that we are following the code of practice as we design and deliver the census.

User involvement

The assessment will examine how we can improve our statistics. The views of users and potential users forms an important part of this.

If you would like to comment or speak to the OSR, visit their website.

OSR assessment - Phase 2

The OSR carries out its assessment over a series of phases. It will consider evidence from several sources, including:

  • its own research
  • information we have given them
  • feedback from users and stakeholders connected with the census

National Statistics Accreditation Phase 2 evidence report

On 2nd March 2022 we published our National Statistics Accreditation Phase 2 evidence report. This sets out our evidence for measuring progress against the code and will form part of the OSR assessment. This report follows on from our previous Response to Actionable Findings from Phase 1 of the National Statistics Accreditation report, published in June 2020 and Phase 1 report How the National Records of Scotland is ensuring Census 2021 is trustworthy, high quality and of value to users, published in June 2019.

The OSR assesses the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) in the same way. The ONS and NISRA phase 2 reports are available below:

Read the ONS report here

Read the NISRA report here