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Vacant/second home household indicator

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    All household spaces for which a dummy form is completed by the enumerator.


This variable provides information as to whether an unoccupied household space is a second or holiday home or is a vacant household space. It is based on information provided by the enumerator. The enumerator is not asked to differentiate between second homes and holiday homes so they cannot be distinguished in output.


Total number of categories 2

Household spaces which are identified by the enumerator as absents, refusals or non-returns but which do not subsequently have a household imputed by the One Number Census process will be classified as vacant in output. Households that return a form but then prove to be all visitor households will be classified as second/holiday homes in output.

Code Name
4 Second residence, holiday accommodation
5 Vacant household space