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Household type (alternative)

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability


  • Type

    Derived Variable


Household type classifies households in an alternative way to the household composition classification (HH_COMP_CAT_H) that is used in most standard census results.


Total number of categories 14

Code Name
0 Married couple household with dependent child(ren)
1 Married couple household with no dependent children
2 Civil partner family with dependent child(ren)
3 Civil partner family with no dependent children
4 Opposite sex cohabiting couple household with dependent child(ren)
5 Opposite sex cohabiting couple household with no dependent children
6 Same sex cohabiting couple household with dependent child(ren)
7 Same sex cohabiting couple household with no dependent children
8 Lone parent household with dependent child(ren)
9 Lone parent household with no dependent children
10 One person household
11 Multi-person household all students
12 Multi-person household other
-5 No code required - comprises household spaces with no usual residents

England & Wales and Scotland (2011) comparisons

This variable is directly comparable to the one produced for Scotland's Census 2011.

No such variable has been created by ONS for England & Wales 2021 census data, however the ONS household composition variable is broadly comparable to the HH_COMP_CAT_H variable created for Scotland's Census 2022.

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability


  • Type

    Derived variable


Household type classifies households in an alternative way to the household composition classification that is used in most standard census results.

A household is classified by the type of family present, but households with more than one family are categorised in the priority order:

  • married couple family,
  • same-sex civil partnership couple family,
  • cohabiting couple family,
  • lone parent family.

Within a family type a family with dependent children takes priority.

This means that in tables that use this classification the alternative definitions of married couple household, same-sex civil partnership couple household, cohabiting couple household and lone parent household are applicable.


Total number of categories 14

Code Name
00 Married couple household with dependent child(ren)
01 Married couple household with no dependent children
02 Same-sex civil partner family with dependent child(ren)
03 Same-sex civil partner family with no dependent children
04 Opposite sex cohabiting couple household with dependent child(ren)
05 Opposite sex cohabiting couple household with no dependent children
06 Same sex cohabiting couple household with dependent child(ren)
07 Same sex cohabiting couple household with no dependent children
08 Lone parent household with dependent child(ren)
09 Lone parent household with no dependent children
10 One person household
11 Multi-person household all student
12 Multi-person household other
XX No code required - comprises household spaces with no usual residents

Source question or variables

TERMIND (Primary variable)

SIZHUK11 (Derived variable)

DPCFAMUK11 (Derived variable)

FT1 (Derived variable)

AGE (Derived variable)

STUDENT (Primary variable)

Known Quality Issues

This variable relies on relationship data, which include some known quality issues. These are summarised on the Data Quality Issues Page.

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    All occupied household spaces, UK


This derived variable describes households in an alternative way to the classification used in most of the standard tables (see Household Composition HHCHUK).

A household is defined by the type of family in it. A household with more than one family is categorised according to the following priority order:

Married couple family, cohabiting couple family, lone parent family, same sex couple family.

Within a family type, a family with dependent children takes priority.

Note that same-sex couple households will be grouped with cohabiting couple households, (codes 6 and 7).


Total number of categories 10

Code Name
0 Married couple household with dependent child(ren)
1 Married couple household with no dependent children
2, 6 Cohabiting couple household with dependent child(ren)
3, 7 Cohabiting couple household with no dependent children
4 Lone parent household with dependent child(ren)
5 Lone parent household with no dependent children
8 One person household
9 Multi person household all student
A Multi person household other
X Not applicable