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Generation in family

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    All people in households, UK


This variable is derived during the algorithm that allocates people to families. It classifies people according to their generation within a family.


Total number of categories 4

Not applicable category (X) comprises: Persons in communal establishments

Code Name
0 A person not in a family (an 'ungrouped individual')
1 Generation 1: a member of a couple or a lone parent
2 Generation 2: a child (any age) in a family
X ​Not applicable

Source question or variables

Household Composition Algorithm

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability



This variable is derived during the algorithm that allocates people to families. It classifies people according to their generation within a family.


Total number of categories 4

Code Name
0 A person not in a family (an 'ungrouped individual')
1 Generation 1: a member of a couple or a lone parent
2 Generation 2: a child (any age) in a family
X ​Not applicable