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Communal establishment type

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    Communal establishments

  • Type

    Derived Variable


Communal establishments according to management and type. A communal establishment is an establishment providing managed residential accommodation.

Types of communal establishment include:

  • Care homes (with or without nursing)
  • Student halls of residence
  • Defence establishments
  • Prison service establishments


Total number of categories 26

Code Name
1 NHS/Health and Social care body or group: General Hospital
2 NHS/Health and Social care body or group: Mental health hospital/unit (including secured units)
3 NHS/Health and Social care body or group: Other hospital
4 Local Authority/District council: Children's home (including secure unit)
5 Local Authority/District council: Care home with nursing
6 Local Authority/District council: Care home without nursing
7 Local Authority/District council: Other home
8 Registered Social Landlord/Housing Association: Home or hostel
9 Other: Care home with nursing
10 Other: Care home without nursing
11 Other: Children's home (including secure units)
12 Other: Mental health hospital/unit (including secure units)
13 Other: Other hospital
14 Other medical and care establishments
15 Defence establishments
16 Prison service establishments
17 Detention centres and other detention establishments
18 School/Other Education establishments
19 Halls of residence/student accommodation
20 Hotel, guest house, B&B, youth hostel
21 Hostel for the homeless or temporary shelter
22 Holiday accommodation
23 Other travel or temporary accommodation
24 Religious establishment
25 Staff/worker accommodation only
26 Other establishment

Source question or variables

This variable combines information from two questions on the communal establishment questionnaire:

Communal Establishment question 1: What is the nature of this communal establishment:

  • Medical and Care
    • General hospital
    • Mental health hospital (including inpatient units)
    • Other hospital
    • Care home without nursing
    • Care home with nursing
    • Children's home
    • Other medical and care establishment
  • Education
    • School
    • Halls of residence/student accommodation
    • Other educational establishment
  • Armed Forces
    • Defence establishment (including ships)
  • Detention
    • Prison or young offenders' institution
    • Immigration removal centre
  • Travel
    • Hotel, guest house, B&B, youth hostel
    • Leisure /  holiday establishment
    • Other travel establishment
  • Hostel or shelter
    • Hostel or shelter for the homeless
    • Other hostel or shelter establishment
  • Other
    • Religious establishment
    • Staff / worker accommodation only
    • Other establishment

Communal establishment question 5: Who is responsible for the management of this establishment?

  • NHS
  • Local Authority
  • Government department or agency
  • Registered social landlord or housing association
  • Charity or voluntary organisation
  • Private owner or company
  • Higher or further education institution
  • Other
  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    Communal establishment

  • Type

    Derived variable


A communal establishment is an establishment providing managed residential accommodation. ‘Managed’ in this context means full-time or part-time supervision of the accommodation.

Types of communal establishment include:

  • Sheltered accommodation units where fewer than 50 per cent of the units in the establishment have their own cooking facilities, or similar accommodation where residents have their own rooms, but the main meal is provided. If half or more possess their own facilities for cooking (regardless of use) all units in the whole establishment are treated as separate households.
  • Small hotels, guest houses, bed & breakfasts, inns and pubs with residential accommodation with room for 10 or more guests (excluding the owner/manager and his/her family).
  • All accommodation provided solely for students (during term-time). This includes university-owned cluster flats, houses and apartments located within student villages, and similar accommodation owned by a private company and provided solely for students. (University-owned student houses that were difficult to identify and not clearly located with other student residences are treated as households, and houses rented to students by private landlords are also treated as households.) Accommodation available only to students may include a small number of care-taking or maintenance staff, or academic staff.
  • Accommodation available only to nurses. This includes cluster flats and similar accommodation, provided solely for nurses. Nurses’ accommodation on a hospital site that does not also contain patients is treated as a separate communal establishment from the hospital (and not categorised as a hospital), so that nurses are treated as ‘residents’ and not ‘resident staff’ or ‘patients’. This ensures consistency with similar nurses’ accommodation not on a hospital site.


Total number of categories 28

Code Name
00 General hospital
01 Mental health hospital/unit (including secure units)
02 Other hospital
03 Children's home (including secure units)
04 Care home with nursing
05 Care home without nursing
06 Other home
07 Home or hostel
08 Sheltered housing only
09 Care home with nursing
10 Care home without nursing
11 Children's home (including secure units)
12 Mental health hospital/unit (including secure units)
13 Other hospital
14 Other medical and care establishment
15 Defence establishments
16 Prison service establishment
17 N/A for Scotland - (Approved premises - probation/bail hostel)
18 Detention centres and other detention establishments
19 Education establishments
20 Hotel, guest house, B&B, youth hostel
21 Hostel for the homeless or temporary shelter
22 Holiday accommodation
23 Other travel or temporary accommodation
24 Religious establishment
25 Staff/worker accommodation only
26 Other establishment
XX No code required - comprises records indicating people sleeping rough

Source question or variables

MNAGEMENT (Primary variable)

ESTNATURES11 (Primary variable)


Key statistics:

  • KS405SC - Communal establishment residents

Quick statistics:

  • QS420SC - Communal establishment management and type - Communal establishments
  • QS421SC - Communal establishment management and type - People

Detailed characteristics:

  • DC3402SCca - Long-term health problem or disability by communal establishment type by age
  • DC4112SC - Living arrangements of young adults by sex
  • DC4211SCca - Communal establishment type by ethnic group
  • DC4414SCca - Communal establishment type by type of resident by sex by age
  • DC4801SCca - Communal establishment type by resident type and whether or not resident one year ago
  • DC6108SC - Economic activity of full-time students by student accommodation by age

(ESTNATURES11 provides a slightly more detailed breakdown of establishment type than CECTMCS11. Detailed Characteristics tables make use of this information to sub-divide education establishments into ‘Halls of residence and student accommodation’ and ‘Schools and other education establishments’.)

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    All communal establishments, UK


This variable describes the nature of the establishment.

It is based on the responses to the questions below. In addition there is a box for enumerator use only which is ticked for persons sleeping rough.


Total number of categories 17

Code Name
01 General hospital
02 Psychiatric hospital/home
03 Other hospital
04 Nursing home
05 Residential care home
06 Children's home (including secure units)
07 Other medical and care home
08 Defence establishment (including ships)
09 Prison service establishment
10 Probation and bail hostel
11 Educational establishment (including halls of residence)
12 Hotel, boarding house, guest house
13 Hostels (including youth and homeless)
14 Civilian ship, boat or barge
15 Other
16 Religious community (Northern Ireland only)
17 Persons sleeping rough