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Social grade (approximated)

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability


  • Type

    Derived variable


Social grade is the socio-economic classification used by the Market Research and Marketing Industries, most often in the analysis of spending habits and consumer attitudes. Although it is not possible to allocate social grade precisely from information collected by the 2011 Census, the Market Research Society has developed a method for using census information to provide a good approximation of social grade.


Total number of categories 7

Code Name
1 AB
2 C1
3 C2
4 D
5 E
6 Aged under 16
X No code required - comprises schoolchildren and full-time students living away from home during term-time and people in communal establishments.

Source question or variables

AGE (Derived variable)

ECOPUK11 (Derived variable)

EMPSTAT (Primary variable)

EVERWORK (Primary variable)

HLQPS11 (Derived variable)

HRPPUK11 (Derived variable)

OCC (Primary variable)

RESIDENCE_TYPE (Primary variable)

SUPERVISOR (Primary variable)

TENHUK11 (Derived variable)

TERMIND (Primary variable)

  • Mnemonic reference


  • Applicability

    All people aged 16 to 74, UK.


Social grade is the socio-economic classification used by the Market Research and Marketing Industries. Although it is not possible to allocate social grade precisely from information collected in the Census, the Market Research Society has developed a method for using Census information to provide a good approximation of social grade.

Most output by social grade will be for people aged 16 and over in households. They will be classified by the social grade of their Household Reference Person (HRP). For households where the HRP is aged less than 16 or over 74 the social grade of people in the household will be determined by the household tenure. One table, for the workplace population (people in employment whose usual place of work is in the area), will categorise people by their own social grade based on their own occupation.


Total number of categories 6

Not applicable category (X) comprises: All people aged 15 or under or aged 75 or over.

Code Name
1,2 AB Higher and intermediate managerial/administrative/professional
3 C1 Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial/administrative/professional
4 C2 Skilled manual workers
5 D Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers
6 E On state benefit, unemployed, lowest grade workers
X Not applicable